Terms And Conditions

Introduction and Agreement

Agreement: These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) create a legally binding agreement between you, whether you are an individual or representing an entity (“you”), and Kidooz. (“Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). These terms cover your use of the website located at https://www.myforexbuddy.com/ and any other related media forms, channels, mobile websites, or applications (collectively, the “Site”). Kidooz, incorporated and registered in Bangladesh with the company number: 67207465, and the registered office at Katwaiya Saraii, Dhaka 110034

Acceptance of Terms: By accessing the Site, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to follow all of these Terms of Use. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are expressly prohibited from using the Site, and you must discontinue use immediately.

Additional Terms and Conditions

Additional Terms: These Terms include the following additional terms, which also apply to you and your use of our Site:

  1. (i) Your information, including personal information, is collected, used, and disclosed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
  2. (ii) Use of cookies is governed by our Cookie Policy.
  3. (iii) Other supplementary terms and conditions that may be posted on the Site from time to time.

Incorporation by Reference: These specified terms are expressly incorporated into these Terms by reference.

Changes to Terms

Changes to Terms: We have the right, in our sole discretion, to make changes or modifications to these Terms periodically. To inform you about any changes, we will update the “Last updated” date of these Terms. You acknowledge that you won't receive specific notice of each individual change. Therefore, it's important that you regularly check the applicable Terms whenever you use our Site to ensure you are aware of the current Terms. By continuing to use the Site after revised Terms are posted, you are subject to and considered to have accepted those changes.

Site Usage and Compliance

Compliance with Local Laws: The information on this Site is not meant to be distributed or used by any individual or entity in any place where doing so would go against the law or regulations, or where it would require us to meet registration requirements in that place. If you choose to access this Site from another location, it's your responsibility to ensure you comply with the local laws, if and when they apply.

Industry-Specific Regulations: This Site is not designed to comply with specific industry regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). If your interactions with this Site would be subject to these laws, you should not use the Site. You also must not use the Site in a way that would violate the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).

Minors: Users who are minors in their jurisdiction (generally under the age of 18) must obtain permission from their parent or guardian to use the Site. If you are a minor, your parent or guardian must read and agree to these Terms of Use before you can use the Site.

Providing Proprietary Trading Firm Information

Our Services: We offer reviews, ratings, and the latest news about Proprietary Trading Firms. These firms provide traders with an opportunity to use their skills and trade on behalf of the company.

Extensive Database: We maintain an extensive independent database that covers the international forex proprietary industry. We review Proprietary Trading Firms using a standardized methodology, making them easily comparable. The final score is determined by aggregating around 700 criteria, which are collected and weighted based on reader preferences and our industry experience.

Find the Right Firm: Our goal is to assist you in finding the most suitable Proprietary Trading Firm. We do this by asking a few simple questions to save you valuable time. We rank these firms based on the criteria specified here.

Discount Codes: Additionally, on our Site, we have a Discount Codes section where you can check and obtain discount codes for Proprietary Trading Firms.

Intellectual Property Rights

Ownership and Intellectual Property: We hold all rights, titles, and interests in our Services, Site, and Intellectual Property, whether they are registered or not. This excludes the copyright of Third Parties’ Technologies. You agree not to modify, publish, transmit, reverse engineer, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit any of our Intellectual Property, whether in whole or in part.

Limited License: You are granted a limited license to access and use the Site, and to download or print a portion of the Intellectual Property Rights to which you have proper access. This license is for your personal, non-commercial use only. We reserve all rights that are not expressly granted to you regarding the Site and Intellectual Property Rights in these Terms.

Intellectual Property Rights: “Intellectual Property Rights” include patent rights, trade names, proprietary rights, copyright rights, titles, computer codes, audiovisual effects, themes, characters, character names, stories, dialog, settings, artwork, sound effects, musical works, mask work rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress, service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights, and other intellectual property rights. These rights may exist now or come into existence in the future and are governed by the laws of various states, countries, territories, or jurisdictions.

Information and Content Disclaimer

Information and Advice: All data, material, content, services, tools, and information made available on the Site or through other communication channels are provided for informational purposes only. We do not offer recommendations or solicit actions based on this data, material, content, services, tools, or information. We are not making offers, solicitations, or recommendations regarding the choice of a specific Proprietary Trading Firm.

No Investment Advice: Please understand that the data, material, content, services, tools, and information provided do not constitute investment advice or any other type of advice. You should determine the economic risks, merits, legal, tax, and accounting consequences of choosing or not choosing a specific Proprietary Trading Firm by seeking your independent professional advice. We do not offer tax, accounting, or legal advice, so consult your respective advisors in these matters if needed.

Your Responsibility: You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to determine the technical and legal feasibility of using any data, material, content, information, and services in the areas of the world where you intend to use them. Seek independent professional advice to make these determinations.

Data Sources and Reliability: The data, material, content, services, tools, and information we provide come from various proprietary and non-proprietary sources and technologies that we consider reliable. We make reasonable efforts and exercise reasonable care to keep this data, material, services, tools, content, and information updated. However, we do not provide any representations, warranties, or guarantees, whether express or implied, that they are comprehensive, complete, accurate, or up to date.

Professional Judgment: The data, information, and analysis in any material or content are based on professional judgment and may differ from the conclusions or analysis provided by other qualified professionals asked to perform similar analyses.

User Representations and Responsibilities

Your Representations and Warranties: When you use the Site, you declare and promise that: (1) you have the legal capacity and agree to abide by these Terms of Use; (2) you are not a minor in your jurisdiction, or if you are, you have received parental permission to use the Site; (3) you will not access the Site through automated or non-human means, like bots or scripts; (4) you won't use the Site for illegal or unauthorized purposes; and (5) your use of the Site won't violate any applicable laws or regulations.

Truthful Information: If you provide information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any current or future use of the Site (or any part of it).

Site Usage Restrictions

Site Usage Restrictions: You are allowed to access and use the Site only for the purposes we make it available for. The Site cannot be used for commercial purposes unless we have specifically endorsed or approved it. As a user, you must not:

  1. Collect or compile data or content from the Site to create databases or directories without our written permission.
  2. Attempt to trick, defraud, or mislead us or other users, especially by trying to obtain sensitive account information like user passwords.
  3. Bypass or interfere with security features of the Site, including those that protect content or enforce usage limitations.
  4. Damage our reputation or the Site in any way, according to our judgment.
  5. Use information from the Site to harass, abuse, or harm others.
  6. Abuse our support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct.
  7. Use the Site in violation of any applicable laws or regulations.
  8. Engage in unauthorized framing or linking to the Site.
  9. Upload or transmit viruses or other disruptive materials that interfere with others' use of the Site.
  10. Automate the system, such as using scripts to send comments or messages, or using data mining or similar tools.
  11. Remove copyright or proprietary rights notices from any content.
  12. Impersonate another user or person, or use someone else's username.
  13. Upload or transmit information collection or transmission mechanisms like gifs, web bugs, or cookies.
  14. Disrupt or burden the Site or its networks.
  15. Harass, annoy, or threaten our employees or agents involved in providing the Site to you.
  16. Attempt to bypass Site measures designed to prevent or restrict access.
  17. Copy or adapt the Site's software or try to reverse engineer it.
  18. Use automated systems or scripts to access the Site or its content.
  19. Use buying agents to make purchases on the Site.
  20. Make unauthorized use of the Site, including collecting user information for unsolicited emails or creating fake user accounts.
  21. Compete with us using the Site or its content for revenue-generating or commercial purposes unless permitted by applicable law.

User Contributions

User Contributions: While the Site does not allow users to submit or post content, we may offer you the opportunity to create, submit, post, display, or transmit content and materials to us or on the Site. This may include text, writings, video, audio, photos, graphics, comments, suggestions, personal information, or other materials (collectively referred to as “Contributions”). These Contributions might be visible to other Site users and through third-party websites. As such, any Contributions you send may be treated in accordance with the Site's Privacy Policy.

Your Representations and Warranties: When you create or provide Contributions, you represent and warrant that:

  1. Your Contributions do not infringe the proprietary rights of any third party, including copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or moral rights.
  2. You are the creator and owner of, or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, releases, and permissions to use and allow us, the Site, and other Site users to use your Contributions as contemplated by the Site and these Terms of Use.
  3. You have the written consent, release, and/or permission of every identifiable individual in your Contributions to use their name or likeness as contemplated by the Site and these Terms of Use.
  4. Your Contributions are not false, inaccurate, or misleading.
  5. Your Contributions are not unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, pyramid schemes, chain letters, spam, or other forms of solicitation.
  6. Your Contributions are not obscene, violent, harassing, libelous, or otherwise objectionable.
  7. Your Contributions do not ridicule, mock, disparage, intimidate, or abuse anyone.
  8. Your Contributions do not harass or threaten any other person or promote violence against individuals or groups.
  9. Your Contributions do not violate any applicable law, regulation, or rule.
  10. Your Contributions do not infringe the privacy or publicity rights of any third party.
  11. Your Contributions do not violate any applicable laws concerning child pornography or intended to protect the well-being of minors.
  12. Your Contributions do not include offensive comments related to race, national origin, gender, sexual preference, or physical handicap.
  13. Your Contributions do not violate these Terms of Use, any applicable law, or regulation.

Violation Consequences: Any use of the Site that violates the above criteria is against these Terms of Use and may lead to consequences such as the termination or suspension of your rights to use the Site.

Disclaimer: Contributions and materials have not been verified or approved by us, and the views expressed by other users on our Site do not necessarily represent our views or values.

Feedback and Submissions

Use of Your Information: You agree that we may access, store, process, and use the information and personal data you provide, following the terms of our Privacy Policy and your choices (including settings).

Feedback and Suggestions: If you submit suggestions or other feedback about the Site, you agree that we can use and share that feedback for any purpose without compensating you. We do not claim ownership over your Contributions. You retain full ownership and all intellectual property and proprietary rights associated with them.

Responsibility for Contributions: We are not responsible for any statements or representations in your Contributions provided on the Site. You are solely responsible for your Contributions, and you explicitly agree to release us from any and all responsibility and refrain from taking legal action against us concerning your Contributions.

Third-Party Websites and Content

Third-Party Websites and Content: The Site may have links to other websites ("Third-Party Websites") and may feature content, like articles, photographs, text, graphics, music, and more, that comes from third parties ("Third-Party Content"). We don't investigate or check these Third-Party Websites or Content for accuracy, appropriateness, or completeness. We are not responsible for any Third-Party Websites you access through the Site or any Third-Party Content posted on the Site. This includes the content, accuracy, opinions, and privacy practices of Third-Party Websites and Content. Our inclusion, linking to, or allowing the use of Third-Party Websites or Content does not mean we approve or endorse them. If you choose to leave the Site and go to Third-Party Websites or use Third-Party Content, you do it at your own risk. These Terms of Use no longer apply, and you should review the terms and policies, including privacy practices, of the website you visit or the applications you use.

Purchases from Third-Party Websites: Any purchases you make on Third-Party Websites are with other companies, and we are not responsible for those purchases. You agree that we do not endorse the products or services on Third-Party Websites, and you won't hold us responsible for any problems caused by buying those products or services. You also won't hold us responsible for any losses or harm related to Third-Party Content or your interactions with Third-Party Websites.

Third-Party Technologies

Third-Party Technologies: Our Site uses or may use technologies from third parties. Some of these technologies may be covered by commercial licenses ("Commercial Third-Party Technology"), while others may be covered by open-source software licenses ("Open-Source Components"). If there is a conflict between the license terms for Open-Source Components and these Terms, the license terms for the Open-Source Components will apply instead of these Terms. If the licenses for Open-Source Components prohibit any of the restrictions in these Terms, those restrictions will not apply to the Open-Source Components.

List of Third-Party Technologies: We provide a list of Open-Source Technologies and Commercial Third-Party Technologies that we use. You can find the list at the following links: Mailchimp and Tidio. We will update this list of Commercial and Open-Source Third-Party Technologies as frequently as reasonably possible.

Advertisements on the Site

Advertisements on the Site: We allow advertisers to display their ads and other information in specific areas of the Site, like sidebar or banner ads. If you are an advertiser, you are responsible for the ads you put on the Site and any services or products offered through those ads. As an advertiser, you confirm that you have all the rights and authority to place ads on the Site. This includes intellectual property rights, publicity rights, and contractual rights. We only provide space for these ads and do not have any other relationship with advertisers.

Compensation and Reviews

Free Services and Compensation: Our Services are provided free of charge. We receive compensation from paid advertising and through affiliate program pages. We review Proprietary Trading Firms based on our sole discretion for free. Some Proprietary Trading Firms may also compensate us for the review. While partners can pay to provide offers or be featured on our site, they cannot pay to change our recommendations, advice, ratings, or any other content. Our content and research teams do not participate in advertising planning and do not have access to advertising campaign data. Receiving compensation does not mean we endorse or recommend a company, and it does not influence our reviews, analysis, or opinions.

Site Monitoring and Management

Site Monitoring and Management: We have the right, but not the obligation, to do the following:

  1. Monitor the Site to ensure compliance with these Terms of Use.
  2. Take legal action against anyone who, in our judgment, violates the law or these Terms of Use. This may include reporting such users to law enforcement authorities.
  3. Restrict access or disable any of your Contributions or any part of them at our discretion, without notice or liability, to protect our rights and the proper functioning of the Site.
  4. Remove or disable files and content that are excessively large or burdensome to our systems, at our discretion and without notice or liability.
  5. Manage the Site to protect our rights and property and ensure it functions properly, again at our discretion.

Data Privacy and Security

Data Privacy and Security: We take data privacy and security seriously. When you use the Site, you agree to follow our Privacy Policy posted on the Site, which is part of these Terms of Use. Please note that the Site is hosted in Slovenia. If you use the Site from a region with different laws or requirements for collecting, using, or disclosing personal data compared to those in Slovenia, by continuing to use the Site, you are sending your data to Slovenia. You also agree to have your data processed in Slovenia.